maig 22, 2014 | General
As you all know, during this school year, our school has had a special member in the Foreign Languages Faculty. This member is Frida Dema, an Irish student who has become our English language assistant. She has spent six months with us, and all our students of 5è and 6è EP and ESO have attended her lessons. The speaking lessons have been coordinated and supervised by the English teachers Anna Fuertes and Glòria González. The activities have been based on the contents worked in class, as well as more participative and motivating exercises, such as word games, dubbing, drawing and pictures dictations, songs, role plays, etc.

But the school was really interested in offering this amazing experience to the rest of students of the school, that’s why, Frida and the secondary English teacher, Glòria González, have presented different Little Red Riding Hood workshops to the youngest students. We started with the Educació Infantil classes and then they went on with the Cicle Inicial i mitjà d’Educació Primària.

maig 16, 2014 | General
Després de la bona acollida que va tenir l’any passat , aquest any a l’escola Cor de Maria us tornem a oferir el casal d’estiu en anglès.
En el nostre Cheerful english summer camp podreu gaudir d’un munt d’activitats divertides i alhora posar en pràctica els coneixements d’anglès que teniu.
Si encara no us heu incrit al casal ho podeu fer el dia que es farà la reunió informativa, que serà el 4 de juny.
Us podeu descarregar el full de preinscripció clicant aquí.

abr. 9, 2014 | Escola, General
Our student Héctor Sánchez Salmoral of 2n ESO has been classified among the three first students of the English Fonix Contest which was held in Girona on 1st March 2014. He is now in the final stage of Cataluña which will take place the next 3rd May 2014 in Barcelona. We want to tell him we are very happy for his success.
We must say congratulations on a great job!
El nostre alumne Héctor Sánchez Salmoral de 2n d’ESO s’ha classificat entre els tres millors representants de Girona al concurs Fonix 2014 en llengua anglesa, celebrat el passat 1 de març de 2014. Ara ja està a la final del concurs de Catalunya que es farà el proper dia 3 de maig a Barcelona. Li volem dir que estem molt contents per aquest èxit que ha aconseguit.
Moltes felicitats!