Our student Héctor Sánchez Salmoral of 2n ESO has been classified among the three first students of the English Fonix Contest which was held in Girona on 1st March 2014. He is now in the final stage of Cataluña which will take place the next 3rd May 2014 in Barcelona. We want to tell him we are very happy for his success.

We must say congratulations on a great job!



El nostre alumne Héctor Sánchez Salmoral de 2n d’ESO s’ha classificat entre els tres millors representants de Girona al concurs Fonix 2014 en llengua anglesa, celebrat el passat 1 de març de 2014. Ara ja està a la final del concurs de Catalunya que es farà el proper dia 3 de maig a Barcelona. Li volem dir que estem molt contents per aquest èxit que ha aconseguit.

Moltes felicitats!